I am currently a PhD student under Dr. Arpita Patra at CSA, IISc. Before this, I completed my M.E in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from CSA, IISc. My research interests primarily include Secure Multi-party Computation and Distributed Computing. More specifically, I am interested in finding solutions to intriguing questions related to feasibility and efficiency of MPC protocols under different computational and network models. The research areas I have worked on so far include Secret Sharing, MPC with small number of parties and Byzantine Agreement. In my free time, I love reading novels and watching movies.
Divya Ravi has been awarded with a commendation certificate in recognition of her excellent Ph.D thesis.
Divya Ravi has been awarded second prize at the 10th IDRBT Doctoral Colloquium, 2020.
Divya Ravi has been awarded Student Best Paper Award at EECS Research Students' Symposium - 2020.
Divya Ravi has joined Aarhus University for postdoc.
Divya received Tata Trust Travel grant and student stipend to attend ASIACRYPT 2019 at Kobe, Japan.
Arpita Patra and Divya Ravi received travel support from Google Inc. and Microsoft Research India / IARCS respectively to attend CRYPTO 2018.
Divya Ravi has been offered funding to attend RWC 2018.